Windy Wellingon - Reisverslag uit Wellington, Nieuw Zeeland van Lisa Graaff - Windy Wellingon - Reisverslag uit Wellington, Nieuw Zeeland van Lisa Graaff -

Windy Wellingon

Door: Kiwilisa

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Lisa

27 Mei 2015 | Nieuw Zeeland, Wellington

I almost got a heart attack when I saw when my last post was so it's time for another up date. A lot has changed and a lot has happened lately, and as usual nothing went as planned (yeah i know, when is there ever something new)...

It was a quick decision leaving Napier. After the blueberry failure and waiting for other jobs to start, the kiwifruit picking finally did. That whole joke took about two days before they announced that it was the last day to pick. Well no worries is what I thought as I knew I could start at an other farm right the next day. While being quite happy picking kiwifruits, enjoying the stunning looks of my supervisor, having good conversations with Theodore and hurting my back of the 20KG hanging on there I went home tired and satisfied.
That didn't last long though, after the shower and the usual cooking, talking, yelling around stuff, they found it necessary to dismiss work for the next day. As pissed off as I was, knowing I didn't have enough money left to pay the rent, I announced my leave.
Every single person tried to convince me not to but I simply didn't see an other way. Maybe the few (or a bit more) drinks helped me with that decision but okay, lets just keep that to our self ;)
The next day, still not sure what to do, it was time for bag packing, HOW on earth did I gather so much stuff in such a short time? Having a bit of a deja vu about how my living room could look if I had a major Lets-Start-Another-Project-Mood it took me about three hours to sort, throw out and pack my bag. With 38KG (a wee bit more than the 11KG I arrived with) on my back, we jumped into the car on the road to wherever. Where exactly are we going to anyways?

It was Jerry's car in which Simon, Verena and me made our way down to Wellington. With Jerry as a driver (and me getting heart-attacks every two minutes) and four backpacks in the back, it was quite a bit of an awful drive. Glad we finally reached our destination; a lake nearby Wellington, the only place where we're able to put up the tents. Yes folks, it finally happened: The TENT! It was not as secure as I hoped; the bloody thing tried to choke me several times while I was just trying to have a good sleep, or me and Simon actually.
Next day it was time to go on to Wellington, I won't go too far in detail with that because it, in all honesty, just sucked. And we do want to keep this a kind of positive thing you know. The best part was sleeping outside on the concrete. Just a little hint: sleeping with four people and so four backpacks in one tiny car is far from doable. The concrete was fine though, more than happy with my warm sleeping-bag, ignoring the blowing wind in windy Wellington.

It was time to find myself a job. I was planning (see, there we go again) to get myself a place at an "Farmers Helping In New Zealand" spot. It's a kind of WWOOFing (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) but then more specialized in little dairy farms, beef cattles and so on. Spend my time there for one or two weeks while having a good job-search around Wellington.
After calling multiple options, all of them seemed to be fully booked. Even though I promised myself not to get back into Hospitality (or Hospo) I didn't see an other way. It must have been four weeks earlier that I saw an advertisement of a little boutique hotel in Picton. When I saw the pictures on their website the urge started coming up to break that one promise to myself. And guess what, I did.
As a last resort I decided to give it a shot, fully convinced of the fact they must've filled in the job already I called her; Juliearna Kavanagh.

As this report is getting longer and longer, more boring and so on.. I call it a day for now.
I will not make any promises anymore, that's what I've learned by now. Enjoy and Relax and I'll get back to this soon

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01 Januari 2015 - 01 Januari 2016

Nieuw Zeeland, here i come!

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